Texas Under Dubya
Number of executions, 1
Greenhouse gas emissions, 1
Pollution released by manufacturing plants, 1
Highest homes insurance rates in the nation, 1
Highest % of children without health insurance, 1
Highest % of poor working parents without insurance, 1
Highest number of people stripped of Medicare benefits, 1
Highest % of population without health insurance, 2
Highest teen birth rate, 5
Teacher salaries at beginning of 1st term , 36
Teacher salaries at beginning of 2nd term, 38
Home ownership, 44
SAT scores - 1996 combined math & verbal: 995, 44
SAT scores - 1998 combined math & verbal: 995, 44
Child support collections, 45
Mothers receiving prenatal care, 45
Public libraries and branches, 46
Delivery of social services, 47
Spending for police protection, 47
Spending for the arts, 48
High school completion rate, 48
Best place to raise children, 48
Spending for parks and recreation, 48
Per capita funding for public health, 48
Spending for the environment, 49
Teacher salaries plus benefits, 50
Teen smoking - down nationally, flat in Texas,
Teen drug use - down nationally, up 30% in Texas
State of the pResident
George W. Bush Policies
Bush's Broken Promises
Texas Environmental Profiles
The Texas Truth
I know what you did in Texas
Texas Record
Texas Rankings - Bush Watch
Bush Accomplishments
Bush and Guns
Bush Watch
Judge : Texas Medicaid Fails Children
Bush's Texas Legacy Under Fire
Dick Cheney's Voting Record
Bush Record - WP
Bush v. Clinton - WP
George W. Bush Arrests
Rapsheets run in the Family
George W. Bush and Illegal Abortion
Iran Contra
Meet the Carlyle Group
Y2K election lies
100 Bush Profiteers
The Washington Post Archives
Texas Housing Agency Falls Short of Bush 'Dream' :
Allegations of Corruption, Inefficiency Dog Agency
In Texas, Defense Lapses Fail to Halt Executions :
Attorneys' Ineptitude Doesn't Halt Executions
Bush Puts Faith in a Social Service Role :
Church-Based Providers Freed From Many Rules
'Texas Miracle' Doubted :
An Education 'Miracle,' or Mirage?
Gun-Friendly Record Expected to Be Issue :
'95 Law Lets 200,000 Conceal Arms
Despite Mixed Record, Big Tobacco Picks Bush :
GOP Hopeful Hasn't Been an Automatic Ally
Fact Check: On HMOs, Bush a Reluctant Reformer :
Bush Now Touting Measures He Had Vetoed, Left Unsigned
Insurers Profited from Texas Tort Reform
Texas 'Tort Reform' Aided Business - and Bush
Texas Prison Uses 'Christ-Centered' Agenda
Bush's Style Succeeded Even as Tax Plan Failed
Bush Kept Promise to Get Tough on Young Criminals
Bush : Weighing the Cost of Compassion
Texas Environment Could Work Against Bush